Messages after 20.00 will be answered by 08.00, 09.30 or 11.00 dependant of service level.
Video’s received after 20.00 will be answered by 10.00, 11.30 or 13.00 dependant of service level.
The first overnight stay or home visit, if entitled, to be booked within a fortnight of starting with the academy.
Gold Level; can book up to 3 consecutive nights.
Silver Level; up to 2 consecutive nights can be booked.
An additional 20% will be charged for each extra dog you wish to be included in the training.
If you wish to extend your time within the academy, location needs to be made two months in advance of your time ending.
Every year I will take a four week break. During this time all questions will still be answered, the timings may be out due to time differences. All
video replies will still be done. However, there may not be the opportunity for me to make new instructional videos with my own dogs or other dogs as I will be away.
If services have to be interrupted, a message will be put into the appropriate group with a full explanation.
To finish your subscription to the Crucially Canine Academy early: 1months notice must be given, or, 1 months payment, paid early to end the
association with the academy.
Crucially Canine reserves the right to change terms and conditions of the contract. However, this will only be done if it is felt that people are not
working to the spirit of the contract and a full explanation, with anonymity, will be explained to those within the group level that it affects.
25% discount on all Crucially Canine equipment for Academy members.
Videos taken by Crucially Canine remain the intellectual property of Crucially Canine and may be used as training material, however, your privacy will
still be maintained.