Crucially Canine
Crucially Canine

Puppy Ordering Service

If you are looking to buy a puppy and don't know where to start or are nervous about finding the right breeder; we can help.


If you've looked at the Europuppy website; we can definitely help!


Whether you are looking for a trained puppy, or just the puppy to train yourself, please get in touch.  There is no obligation for you to get your dog trained through us.


At Crucially Canine, helping you source a puppy in this fashion, we will take the same approach as when we are looking for a puppy for ourselves.  Whilst I am compassionate about the emotional wellbeing of the pup and the parents, I am pragmatic enough to keep the health and wealfare of the dogs and the motivations of the breeder at the forefront of my decisions.


Following conversations with you about your family, lifestyle and what you want from a companion puppy, we try to match the breed and individual puppy temperament to your requirements.  Breeders of suitable litters will be contacted and, where possible, visited; however as we will consider breeders from all over the world, sometimes visitations aren't possible.


Please contact us if you would like to discuss this further.  We can also put you in touch with previous clients who have used this service through Crucially Canine. 

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