Crucially Canine
Crucially Canine

Levels of Training Available

The training I offer is not exhaustive but it will provide you with a solid foundation, a platform to continue your dogs education should you wish, however if you do not wish to, then it provides you that basic level that all dogs and owners should wish for.

There are 4 levels of training available, not all breeds can achieve Gold and Platinum, this can be discussed further.  If you are looking to purchase a new dog, then as part of my service I will source reputable breeders and find you a puppy which best suits your needs and wants.  If you have already purchased a pup and wish them to be trained then this can also be arranged.  All I will require is proof of vaccinations.

Bronze Level; 10-12 weeks



Lay down

Verbal recall



Light socialisation with adults and children in home and High St. environment

House training (toilet and crate)

Door manners

Car manners

Light dogs socialisation

Shop/cafe/pub socialisation

Reduced mouthing and chewing

Impulse control (reduced chase drive)

Silver level; 12-14weeks - All commands to be performed under heavy distraction 



"Lie down"

"Come on Then" = Verbal recall

Multiple pips of the whistle = Whistle recall

"Stay"              = "Stay where you are until I come back to you" - off lead under light distraction

"Drop"              = Drops object into your hand or on the floor

"No"                 = "Stop what you are doing and look at me" 

"Heel"              = "look at me I'm going to do something different" (start, stop, speed up, slow down or change direction) - Walking to heel on the lead and on your left hand side.  Sitting when you stop without


"Place"              = When commanded the dog will go to a specific mat/cushion and lie down.

"In your bed"     = Dog will go in to bed/crate and lie down.


Increased dogs socialisation

Cessation of chewing in the house

Increased impulse control (reduced chase drive with scooters and bicycles)

Increased socialisation with adults and children in home and High St. environment

No jumping up

House training (toilet and crate)

Door manners

Car manners

Increased Shop/cafe/pub socialisation

Reduced mouthing and chewing

Gold level; 14-16 weeks all commands to be performed under heavy distraction


"Sit"                 = Verbal sit command

"Lie down"        = Verbal Lie Down command

Long blast of the whistle = Whistle lie down at distance

"Come on Then" = Verbal recall 

Multiple pips of the whistle = Whistle recall

"Stay"              = "Stay where you are until I come back to you" - off lead under light distraction

"Drop"              = Drops object into your hand or on the floor

"Give"               = Hold onto the object as you give the command and the dog will release the object.

"No"                 = "Stop what you are doing and look at me" 

"Heel"              = "look at me I'm going to do something different" (start, stop, speed up, slow down or change direction) - Walking to heel on the lead and on your left hand side.  Will walk off lead to Heel under light distraction and on the lead under very heavy distraction. Sitting when you stop without


"Place"              = When commanded the dog will go to a specific mat/cushion and lie down.

"In your bed"     = Dog will go in to bed/crate and lie down.


Increased dog, cat, pigeon and horse socialisation

Cessation of chewing in the house

Increased impulse control (reduced chase drive with scooters and bicycles)

Socialisation with adults and children in home and High St. environment

No jumping up

Will not eat food unless commanded to

House training (toilet and crate)

Door manners

Car manners

Shop/cafe/pub socialisation

No mouthing

Platinum level; 18+ weeks - Price and details on request

All training time periods allow for home visits of 24 hours; 4 in Bronze. 6 in Silver. 8 in Gold and 12 in Platinum. Longer periods can be arranged however this may require 'homework' to be done by the owner.

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